Linda Rossi – April 18, 2020
What Renewal Looks Like in 2020
Linda Rossi – April 12, 2020
As we all slow down a bit, most of us celebrate renewal this time of year with Easter, Passover or other traditions. As I was out showing properties today, I was noticing the way we really are all in this together. Standing six feel apart with our masks on, I slowly and carefully remove the keys from the lockbox with a sanitizing wipe and move through all the precautions we are taking nowadays… fresh booties at each house, gloves, more wipes, hand sanitizer… We carefully tiptoe into people’s homes pondering if this one might be “the one”, careful to respect the human life that inhabits each home and leaving everything untouched and “safe” for those who follow behind or return home. We are all slowed down together. Still moving forward with our various dreams and plans… just a little slower and a bit more thoughtfully. Considering each other slightly more seriously. Considering ourselves. It is a very sweet realization amid the madness… to see and to help the dreams unfold, and again to notice the truth of the fact that we really are all in this together.
How poignant the holiday of renewal at this moment in time.
May each of our my readers be safe & healthy, and may your dreams stay intact and your plans proceed unhindered. My hope is that we all emerge with a renewed & lasting appreciation for each other and our unique yet intertwined lives in the years ahead.